Winde can't get IPID to audit SAPS

A year after promising lifestyle audits into SPAS officers allegedly connected to gangsterism, the WC govt is powerless to compel any action





Feb 12, 2024

Winde can't get IPID to audit SAPS

A year after Premier Alan Winde announced funds for lifestyle audits of senior police officers in the Western Cape, the initiative has yet to materialize, raising concerns about potential ties to criminal networks and corruption within the force.

Despite repeated requests from the provincial government, the Western Cape police commissioner has not taken action to conduct these crucial audits, according to statements from Winde and Police Oversight and Community Safety MEC Reagen Allen.

"We firmly believe that lifestyle audits are critical tools... to detect and prevent fraud and corruption," Winde emphasized.

The delay comes amid mounting evidence of criminal infiltration within police ranks. A 2022 judgment by Judge Daniel Thulare highlighted the presence of gang members in top police structures in the province.

Recent events, such as the disappearance of firearms from a police station and subsequent arrests, have further underscored the urgency for investigations into corruption within the force.

The national police have long been known to have strong ties to the Cape gangs, especially since the 2015 report released by Sam Sole of amaBhungane into the 2011 deal between Jacob Zuma and the main gangs in the region.

While calls for action have intensified from various quarters, including calls for independent audits, responses from official channels have been limited. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) has been criticized for its lack of updates on investigations into Judge Thulare's findings.

In the absence of concrete action from authorities, concerns persist about the integrity of law enforcement and the safety of communities. The delay in conducting audits raises questions about accountability and transparency within the police force.

With ongoing efforts to address corruption and criminal infiltration, stakeholders stress the importance of independent audits and thorough investigations to restore public trust and ensure the professionalism and dignity of law enforcement services.

Ian Cameron, head of anti-crime activist organisation Action Society, insisted that the audit be done independently of SAPS:

“We welcome a police audit and that it should be done throughout the country via the Ombudsman. Lifestyle audits where accommodation for top-ranking officers must also be monitored.”

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