DA insist they haven't abandoned federalism, but their recent police deal adopts a governance scheme eerily similar to the ANC's proposed District Development Model
The party has agreed to abandon its longstanding policy in favour of an unenforceable promise of mutual cooperation between Metro police and SAPS
In recent months, Mehmet Dag has raised his profile with a prolific and racially inflammatory social media presence. Yesterday, Tim Flack took him to task.
Disproportionate budget cuts on the Western Cape, combined with massive migration, have put the province's finances in jeopardy. But the province is unwilling to cut free services
Ian Cameron, Chairperson of the Portfolio Committee on Police, welcomed the dismissal of Tiyo, who is widely suspected of involvement in the assasination of Lt Col Kinnear
The motion of no confidence against ANC Speaker Mncedisi Skosana, introduced after the DA walkout last month, was defeated by a simple show of hands
After high-handed refusals to engage in good faith, the DA threatened to kick the VF+ out of other Cape munis as punishment. But the VF+ has had the last laugh